Brand trends 2009

Branding is changing very rapidly lots of innovation and creativity is now involved in it and the major focus of branding is not only to create a brand but now its shifted towards sales there are many trends which are evolved in recession period also.I have mentioned some of those trends in this post.

Branded Political parties

In 2009 elections we first time saw political parties did intense advertisement in order to position them well in voters mind. Earlier political parties at the max were putting hoardings at local level, doing some PR activities at local level but these time political parties gave there advertisement on Television, Internet (Orkut, Gmail, Face book etc).BJP was the first party who came with the advertisement of “Majboot neta aur nirnaayak sarkaar” and then after that all parties like congress, BSP, NCP entered in advertisement war.

Cigarette manufacturer showing care for people

If 2009 if you see many small paan stall started putting notice that “ cigarette is injurious to health” or “ smoking is prohibited for below 18 age” although law says manufacturer should put this notice on packets but they also started putting this as hoardings on paan stalls. The reason is they started getting advantage of brand visibility anyway cigarette can be advertised directly so now cigarette manufacturer got the mean for advertising.

Informative Packaging in FMCG
Now a days if you buy any FMCG product they tends to be in attractive packaging as company started targeting impulsive buyers also company is even started giving technical specification such as ingredients so as to capture educated customers. Most of the companies are even putting procedure of how to use that product; the reason for this could be to increase a usage.


  1. fantastic stuff distribution yogi......gr888
    in fact its an addition to maaa adver... and pharma knowledge....
    and adver... on cigarette and elections was fabulous.......


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