
Showing posts from 2021

Influencer Marketing - Formula to go viral

  What is influencer marketing? How marketer use influencer marketing to create Word of Mouth (WoM)? Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one of its products or services. Some influencer marketing collaborations are less tangible than that – brands simply work with influencers to improve brand recognition 1.  Identify the Right Influencers- Research influencers who are already talking about similar products and services. Use hashtags on social media, scan competitors’ mentions & tags, search by keywords on YouTube, and start following popular blogs and bloggers. Additionally, you can reach out to your followers with huge followings and ask them to act as brand advocates. 2.  Use Micro/Macro/Nano Influencers- If your business is small, you don’t have to use macro influencers or celebrities who might be too expensive. You can use micro influencers and nano influencers–those with 1,000 to 20,000 followers. Macro influencers are gene

Sensory Marketing - Make more sense

What is sensory branding?      Sensory branding is used to impact and resonate with your consumers by targeting at least one of their senses. It’s meant to evoke a cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and/or memorable response from consumers. ·        Sight: Luxury brands use this sense the most, through virtual reality, their communication, color games … The use of digital allows luxury houses to share their history, their know-how, their expertise. This is most noticeable in the merchandising of the windows where a real staging. ·        Hearing: All luxury brands have music playlists for their boutiques and advertising campaigns. The choice is of course reflected and is made according to the target that the brand wants to reach. ·        The sense of smell: The sense of smell is very important, luxury brands manage to take the customer back to his childhood, a relaxing atmosphere, so that the customer is in total confidence and at ease during his buying experience. Smells remind us

Sales Forecasting- Systematic approach

  What is Sales forecast and why it is critical success factor for any organization.. Sales forecasting is the process of estimating future sales. Accurate sales forecasts enable companies to make informed business decisions and predict short-term and long-term performance. Companies can base their forecasts on past sales data, industry-wide comparisons, and economic trends. Forecasting can be broadly categorized into 2 segments Short range forecasting and Long-range forecasting. Short range forecasting (SRF) is very impulsive and based on the dynamic environment. We will be focusing more in understating the systematic approach for Long term forecasting (LRF)   Let’s try to understand each method in details; 1.     Casual Method Your sales outcome are dependent on many variables such as Promotional or marketing spent, Customer touch points, Price discounting, Inventories and some industry specifics such as in pharma progression of disease epidemiology etc. If you have fai